Partner Portal (Database)
Over the past 10 years, we have seen an explosion of partnership initiatives with patients and citizens, both in research and in the Quebec health system, with the creation of the CISSS and CIUSSS partnership offices.
This growth is accompanied by a proliferation of information “banks” on patients and citizen partners used to recruit, match and support them. Thus, the CEPPP is developing, in collaboration with the Canada Research Chair in Partnership with Patients and Communities and Quebec’s SPOR Unit, a portal to facilitate the recruitment of patient partners, as well as the study of partnership practices.
The Partner Portal (“Portal”) is an IT tool to meet the growing needs in the partnership community with patients, the public and communities: the recruitment of patient partners and the evaluation of the practice of the partnership.
More specifically, the Portal has the following objectives:
(1) to provide support (rigorous and inclusive) in the recruitment of patient partners and members of the public acting as partners, and
(2) to develop a common infrastructure and tools for evaluating the process and impacts of research in partnership with patients and the public.
(3) in the long term, to standardize the recruitment methods and the data collected by the various centres recruiting patients in Quebec.