SPOR (Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research) Support Unit in Quebec
The CEPPP is collaborating with the SPOR (Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research) Support Unit in Quebec by contributing its expertise to the development of a provincial strategy for partnerships with patients and the public among primary care researchers.
The Strategy for Research in Partnership with Patients and the Public (hereafter Strategy) aims to develop a pole of expertise throughout Quebec by relying on the four integrated university health networks (RUIS) in Quebec. The general objective of the Strategy is to support partnerships with patients and the public in health and social services research in Quebec. The specific objectives are: 1) to build a sustainable infrastructure to support research in partnership with patients and the public throughout Quebec, 2) to develop research capacity in partnership with patients and the public within the four RUIS in Quebec and 3) to support the development of research methods in partnership with patients and the public.
With this project, the CEPPP wishes to support the mission of the Quebec SPOR Support Unit by transforming clinical and organizational practices and promoting the integration of care and services through patient-centered research.