Partnership Lab

Transforming the approach to healthcare by supporting research and contributing to the science of partnership with patients and the public.

Whether located in physical or virtual environments, researchers, members of the public (patients, carers, and the community), and health professionals (clinicians, administrators, decision-makers) design implement and evaluate new research, care and management practices. The Partnership lab regularly contributes its expertise in health system transformation projects and within public debates on the social or ethical aspects of health.

Les diverses expertises du Labo (sciences politiques, sciences sociales, sciences de la gestion, santé numérique) sont régulièrement mises à contribution dans des projets de transformation du système de santé et pour des débats publics sur les aspects sociaux ou éthiques de la santé.

Knowledge Series

The Série Savoirs (Knowledge Series) aims to support the development of science on partnership with patients and the public. Its objective is to create a space for reflection and exchanges on a research project or an idea developed in this field, as well as an opportunity to network with researchers, students, and patient partners.

We invite you to complete the attached form to learn more about the program and to register by clicking on this link:

Journal Club

The Journal Club meets once a month on Fridays from noon to 1:00 p.m. EDT to discuss partnership on the basis of a support, such as an article, book, or other. The purpose of the activity is to read about partnership in different domains, discuss them as a group, and ultimately reflect further together.

In addition to participating in the sessions, you can suggest articles, books, or other materials that interest you for a future session.

You can register to participate in future Journal Club sessions by filling out this form:

Information digest

The Partnership Lab of the Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public (CEPPP) compiles a monthly information digest on patient, citizen and community engagement. The objective of these information / publications digest is to support research capacity and knowledge dissemination on patient engagement and partnership and to catalyze exchanges between the different actors in the field in order to maximize common learning.

When: The monthly digest is sent to subscribers in the first week of every month.
Where: Online (by email) via the CEPPP digital newsletter.
Who (target audience): Students, researchers, research/health professionals, patient partners.
How: Sign up! –> >

Contact information

For any questions, please contact the person responsible for the scientific activities at the Partnership Lab, Eleonora Bogdanova:

The CEPPP Keeps You Informed!

The monthly newsletter is intended for all who are involved or interested in partnership with patients and the public. Patient partners, students, research professionals, clinicians and managers can subscribe to receive information about our scientific activities and evidence feed!

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Centre d’Excellence sur le Partenariat
with Patients and the Public

CRCHUM – Pavillon S
850, St-Denis Street, door S03.900
Montreal (Quebec) H2X 0A9
Telephone : 514 890-8000 ext. 15488

Patient Partner’s Office
Faculty of Medicine | Montreal university
Roger-Gaudry Pavilion
2900 boulevard Édouard-Montpetit,
office R-823-2
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
Telephone: 514 343-6111 ext. 5537

The Center of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public is a joint initiative supported by the University of Montreal (UdeM), the Faculty of Medicine of the UdeM and the Research Center of the Center hospitalier de l'Université de Montreal (CRCHUM).

CEPPP 2024. All rights reserved