Réseau du partenariat

In this vast interdisciplinary network, all knowledge and all experiences are valued and contribute to the development of collective know-how. National and foreign research centers, universities, patients, engaged citizens, health professionals, managers, natural caregivers, all are invited to collaborate.

Community of Practice of Patients and Citizens who are Partners in Health Research in Quebec

The mission of the Community of Practice of Patients and Citizens who are Partners in Health Research in Quebec is to :
1- Support the exchange and development of the capacities of patients and citizens who are partners in health research in Quebec;
2- Allow the emergence of structuring initiatives by patients and citizens who are partners in health research in Quebec;
3- Act as an advisory resource to the General and Scientific Directorate of the Quebec SRAP Support Unit.
To achieve this, the Community has the following objectives:
1- Eliminate the silos that exist between the different patient-oriented research networks in Quebec;
2- Organize an activity that will bring together patients and citizens who are partners in health research in Quebec; 3- Express opinions on issues of interest to health research in Quebec

Communauté de pratique Réseau du partenariat du Centre d’excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP)

Le CEPPP collabore avec la Chaire de recherche en évaluation des technologies et des pratiques de pointe, à une communauté de pratique dans un vaste réseau interdisciplinaire, où toutes les connaissances et toutes les expériences sont valorisées et contribuent à élaborer un savoir-faire collectif. National and foreign research centers, universities, patients, engaged citizens, health professionals, managers, natural caregivers, all are invited to collaborate.

The CEPPP Keeps You Informed!

The monthly newsletter is intended for all who are involved or interested in partnership with patients and the public. Patient partners, students, research professionals, clinicians and managers can subscribe to receive information about our scientific activities and evidence feed!

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Centre d’Excellence sur le Partenariat
with Patients and the Public

CRCHUM – Pavillon S
850, St-Denis Street, door S03.900
Montreal (Quebec) H2X 0A9
Telephone : 514 890-8000 ext. 15488

Patient Partner’s Office
Faculty of Medicine | Montreal university
Roger-Gaudry Pavilion
2900 boulevard Édouard-Montpetit,
office R-823-2
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
Telephone: 514 343-6111 ext. 5537

The Center of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public is a joint initiative supported by the University of Montreal (UdeM), the Faculty of Medicine of the UdeM and the Research Center of the Center hospitalier de l'Université de Montreal (CRCHUM).

CEPPP 2025. All rights reserved