List of SPOR Support Units (Canada)
Patient-Oriented Research Support Units are locally accessible multidisciplinary hubs of specialized research resources, policy knowledge and patient perspective information. These units provide the expertise necessary for patient-oriented research and help guide reforms based on local health needs. In addition, they guide and facilitate decision-making in the health services context, encourage the implementation of best practices and promote collaboration among researchers involved in patient-oriented research.
Objectives of the support units:
- Identify and meet the needs of patients and knowledge users by facilitating research.
Provide specialized and multidisciplinary methodological expertise for patient-oriented research and its application. - Help policymakers and researchers find or design studies, perform biostatistical analyzes, manage data, secure and impart project management skills, and ensure studies meet regulatory standards.
- Advance methods and training in comparative effectiveness research and train the next generation of methodological specialists.
- Provide rapid access to data, including linked datasets, and integrate existing or new databases.