To record and provide evidence of involvement activities in a document that can serve patients, recruiters, and/or evaluators.
Consists of a participant survey. Pre-, and post-initiative interview questions to evaluate the use of in-person focus groups and online engagement within the context of a large public engagement initiative conducted in rural Newfoundland.
The patient/caregiver and researcher partner surveys are designed to understand the actual experience of researchers when they partner with patients and caregivers on a project where the patients and/or caregivers are members of the research team. The questions are practical and look to identify behaviours that support productive partnerships. Surveys of researchers have the same goal: to understand their experience when associating with patients/caregivers.
Based on the principles of community-engaged research this tool aims to quantitatively measure community engagement participation in health research.
To offer a multidimensional view of community engagement in the research process.
To assess Patient Association participation in health policy decision-making.
To find out about the range of contributions that lay members are able to provide on Research Ethics Committees.
To assess current strategies, attitudes, facilitators, and barriers toward engaging patients in practice improvement efforts.
Multiple instruments meant at planning evaluation projects and to track progress; develop interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, surveys etc. ; promote good practice and assure staff-led Patient Focus and Public Involvement work; ensure that learning points and actions are identified and implemented or taken forward appropriately; plan, check and/or audit actions for evaluation findings; and improve practices of involvement.
To review and score project plans to assess planners’ intentions to elicit community participation along five dimensions: WHO is to participate? In WHAT activities? And through which process or HOW, given the PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS, and the conditions in the TASK ENVIRONMENT?